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Where your treasure is...

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:21)

I have been thinking a lot about this lately. If my treasure – that which I value the most – is here on earth, my heart (feelings, thoughts) will be consumed with the things that are happening at this moment in time; I will be focused on what I want physically, how I want things to go for me, and what I can do to make that happen. But if my treasure is in heaven, then my heart will be consumed with what I treasure the most – the spiritual. I will be able to see past the here and now and have hope in Christ, knowing that this is but temporary and He is holding me and growing me. As a result, I will focus on obedience to Him, having first thoughtfully and prayerfully sought His will for my every step in life; protecting and maintaining my relationship with Him at all costs.


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