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Where do you get wisdom?

Godly wisdom is described in Psalms 111:10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments.” Here you have to I really do His commandments, or do I usually just do what I want to do and somehow justify it? Compare this to the description of human wisdom: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).

According to God’s inspired words, wisdom isn’t a matter of analyzing things and arriving at your own conclusion of what you should do. What God desires for you is to have the wisdom to realize that you have the Creator of the entire universe on your side, to follow Him and not look to what is merely expedient. The life of Daniel highlights this. When I read the book of Daniel I find an amazing example of how to use God's wisdom to live for Him. Daniel's life illustrates great lessons in following God's will and resisting human wisdom. Bottom line is that when I make choices and decisions, no matter how important they may seem, I need to consult the Bible and the Holy Spirit more than I do my gut, my friends, or my feelings. I must submit everything I want, everything I do, and everyone in my life to the guidance and will of Jesus. Not an easy task and I am not successful all the time, but when I am, it pleases my Lord, and brings a type of joy and peace that nothing else brings. If I don't get it all right, He is still there waiting for me to acknowledge Him, and He and I go at it again with a better outcome because I have made Him the priority, not me. So, if you walk with Him, He will walk with you and guide and bless your path.


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