Do you become confused when reading in the Bible? If you apply good study strategies, you can find the meaning. The Bible interprets itself if you look for it.
In Romans 10:4, Paul's words in the King James Bible are translated: “For Christ is the end (telos) of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Most translators render the word telos (G5056 – end, purpose, aim...Strong's Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries) simply as “end” instead of giving Paul's intended meaning of the word in this context. This interpretation incorrectly reasons that faith makes the law void which is an illogical assumption which Paul plainly rejects in Romans 3:31, “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law” saying that we do not nullify, or overthrow the law, but uphold it! Obeying the law of Jesus is imperative if we plan to walk with Him. If we don't walk with Him, we walk the way of destruction.
When studying, we must seek out the proper meaning of a word that can be used in more than one way. The complete context has to be comprehended before you work to determine the right nuance of meaning intended by the author, which usually takes careful reading. In 1Timothy 1:5, telos is translated correctly where Paul says, “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and a good conscience...” It is clear he is not saying that the commandment is void, but that the purpose, or aim, of their command or instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart a clear conscience and a genuine faith. Look at the next verse, some people missed the point and turned to meaningless discussions! If asking a student at the University to what end he or she was studying biology, the student would know to explain the major to which those studies are leading. That is 'to what end' the student is working.
So, in Romans 10:4, Paul is explaining that the objective or goal of the law is the aim or purpose of it; to point us to the mind, character, and work of Jesus Christ. He is the living Word of God, a perfect replica of what God's law teaches. To use telos as the end of the law, making the law void is to distort Paul's intended meaning, and Peter forcefully warns us not to do this as it will lead to our destruction! In 2 Peter 3:15-16, he acknowledges that some things Paul says are harder to understand and are distorted as a result by those who are ignorant and unstable. This practice is not okay! Pray for the help of God's Holy Spirit, read carefully and compare what you think you understand with the complete context.