I really have no answers for how to deal with the education debacle, the unemployment, the homelessness; all being caused by the current state of fear. Neither do I have answers for the increasing acceleration of hate in our nation. I keep praying that God will give us wisdom to deal with all of this; however, as a country we have rejected Him. The only thing that can change all of this is if the leaders of our country along with the people humble ourselves, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways as in 2 Chron 2:14. Our wicked ways as a nation are the acceptance of lifestyles which He calls abominable (causing revulsion)!
It can be done, but will our country let go of the sins it cherishes? The majority seem to be proud of the murder of the unborn and just born citizens of our country. It is nothing new to man. Ancient civilizations practiced the passing through the fire of those who opened the womb, the first born infants of all who worshiped Molec (a pagan god, chief deity among the Ammonites, who was a creation in the minds of people who followed after satan), murdering their infants. Another man-made deity of the Phoenicians, Baal, was worshiped in this way as well. Lev. 18:21, Deut 18:10, 2 Kings 16:3, 17:17, 21:6, and 23:10; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Isaiah 57:5; Jeremiah 10:5, 32:35; and Ezekiel 16:21, 20:26, 20:31, 23:37 are the scriptures I found in the KJV referencing this atrocity. Each time, God was emphatic that they were not to do this, and when they continued there were severe consequences for the entire nation. Another practice that was abhorrent to Him was the lifestyle of practicing unnatural affections. Homosexuality, bestiality, sodomy and all other forms of adulteration. Exchanging natural for unnatural. There are examples written in scripture as far back as Gen 19:4-11 and Judges 10, and God's instructions in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. In Romans 1:25 Paul gives reasons one can be caught up in this sin as well as the resulting character changes within a person from vs. 25 to the end of the chapter. For those who truly repent there is forgiveness and a way to get back on the path of righteousness and stay there in Christ. He alone is the answer to any lasting victory over any addiction.
It is a difficult time, but if we are living for God, seeking the Lord and His righteousness, there is a glorious future for us! That alone is my hope, and keeps me from sinking into despair. Now is the time to delve into the Word of God, measure it against your life to see if you are really following God! It is your responsibility alone, not your pastor's (although you may think highly of his Christian walk), not your priest's. Your relationship with God is solely your responsibility. Once committed to Him through repentance and baptism with the receiving of His Holy Spirit, God will lead you to meet with other true Christians who have done the same. Seek His face and pray! Make sure you are on the right path, the one God has instructed in His Word that doesn't change, then spread the true Word of God.
He is faithful. His loving kindness endures forever! He is quick to forgive when repentance is true and honest, and remember that when you ask forgiveness, you don't go back to living the way you once did. Slip-ups happen, but He is there to pick you up and give you the opportunity to get back on the right path. He gives us easy to follow and consistent instructions all throughout the Bible as to how to live for Him. Follow his instructions and precepts, and glorify Him by your life. I pray that you will begin now to seek His face, consume yourself with His Word, living in it. Then, when you are ready to meet Him face to face, the Lord will lead you to others who need Him truly in their life.
I am praying that as a country we will open our eyes and turn from following a do-it-as-I-like-to-do-it type of christianity to a lifestyle of obedience to the one God who loves us enough to sacrifice His son to cover our sins.