Harmful Fear
What is harmful fear? It is the result of not taking measures to deal logically with a potentially fearsome situation. We create an unhealthy, harmful fear when we do not address our healthy fear (discussed in the previous post), causing us even more upset, anxiety, nervousness, and worry! Rather than allowing such a destructive result, we need to discipline our thoughts to focus on factual knowledge, logic, and Godly faith. Harmful fear is fear based on false evidence which appears real, but is mostly a fabrication based on possibilities instead of realities. It leaves you unwilling to really live fully because of the risk of what might happen. It can be the fear of an animal, object, person, or concept such as rejection, embarrassment, public speaking, crowds, failure, and even of losing the ones you love. It is self-destructive and self-defeating to allow yourself to endure this kind of fear rather than take charge of it, leading to a spiral of poor choices.
The current example, COVID19 poses a threat to all of us. Take your precautions as you should, but don't become a prisoner of fear! With correct information your tendency is to think rationally instead of in the what-ifs! By doing so, you will not be stressing your immune system to the point of unnecessary vulnerability resulting in being able to think clearly, deal rationally with the situation, and give yourself the cherished gift of peace of mind.
Let me say this again... healthy fear mutates into harmful fear when we allow alarm and panic to rule our thoughts! However, when you overcome unhealthy, harmful fear you wake up an inner security within yourself that places all external threats in the light of a new perspective. So, take control of your life again and confront your fear! Pay attention to how you feel. Creating a strategy to use when you feel the beginning of fear building inside you is a step in the right direction. When coupling this with the strength and power God offers, you will bring yourself success you never thought you could attain! We will speak more of this in the upcoming posts.