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Fear or Faith...

Fear is the most subtle of all human diseases and can be eternally destructive if allowed to run its course. Do you choose faith or fear? God has a hard time working with fearful people. Have you ever tried working with someone who, even though you have done nothing to earn their distrust, does not trust a thing you say? They either argue, ignore, or come up with excuses so that nothing is ever accomplished. It is one thing to believe in God, quite another to have an active faith in God which proves out your belief. God is far more trustworthy than your most trusted friend.

In Revelation 21:7-8, the Lord says “He that overcometh (conquers, are victorious) shall inherit all things (mentioned in verses 1-6) and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful (full of dread, timid, faithless) and unbelieving (actively disbelieving, without true Christian faith), and the abominable (detestable), and murderers, and whoremongers (immoral), and sorcerers, and idolaters (worshiping anything other than God), and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the Second Death (see Rev. 20:14). Everyone is afraid sometimes. Being full of fear-to the extent that there is not room for faith-pushes away God's Holy Spirit, and consequently His power. This is a choice we make, and is sin. So, how do I know if I am that fearful, and what do I do about it? Let's check out some examples from scripture.

One unexpected example is the harlot Rahab. She had been living her life the only way she knew how when she most certainly heard about the people who had crossed the Red Sea on dry land, led and provided for by their awesome God. She had certainly heard about how their God had brought them to victory over the mighty Amorites (Numbers 21 and 22). As the news filtered in, she pondered all these things. So, when the spies sent by Joshua arrived, she was ready to help them. So, why would she help a perceived enemy? Because she knew that their God had certainly done more for His people than all her idols, which was the custom of that era, had done for her. This knowledge lead to faith in God, who she learned to trust and respect. She had to forsake all her previous religious and cultural beliefs to commit her life to God, as we do. But she knew He was worth it. She didn't leave it there, but accepted Him as her God and acted on that faith even though it could mean the death of her and all her family. God honored that and she and all her family were saved and accepted into the family of God. Had she not proved out her faith with works, that would have been choosing to not have more faith than fear and they would have all been killed. What an example for us today! We have to act on our beliefs!

The awesome power and faithfulness of God to those who love Him and live according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)! What a wonderful thing that in the New Testament, in the famous chapter of faith, Hebrews 11, she is still referred to as Rahab the harlot who, because of belief and faith, was obedient to God's purpose. In verse 31 we are told 'by faith...the harlot Rahab received the spies with peace'! She hid them and saved their lives! Not shaking in her boots, not terrified of her life, but with the peace that only God can give when we choose to really trust Him in spite of our fear. True faith produces action....and is a conscious choice.

Another inspiring example is Abraham. Although Abraham made a lot of mistakes with living his faith, he did finally get it right. James 2:23 “And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the friend of God.” Backing up to verse 22, it seems that our faith, working together with the works God desires of us, further perfects our faith and brings us closer the God. Reading on to verse 24, James explains “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified (made righteous), and not by faith only.” The two work together, so you can't be strong in one and not the other, so it would follow that if you want a strong friendship with God, and to be considered righteous by Him, you really need both. The more you act on your faith, the stronger it becomes! And then James 2:26, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” This is not works for earning salvation, this is works as a result of faith. God has provided this process of growth by His benevolent grace, to strengthen us and ready us for eternal life in His family.

Reading the Biblical history of both Abraham and Rahab, we know that they both were brought out of a sinful life, and a culture which had no room for God. Just like them, we are called out of a cursed society which feeds on murder, immorality, and Godlessness. Our world is so full of those who argue that many things are more important to follow; more powerful, safer, more fulfilling than God. This is a lie! He has shown us His love, patience, and mercy beyond compare, grace beyond understanding, and trustworthiness we can live by. It is impossible to live by fear and the Word of God simultaneously! So let us let go of our fear of anything this world can do to us and determine to act on our faith to our last breath.The rewards will be so much greater than anything we will have to endure on earth, and we will never be facing any trial on earth alone!



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