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Fail again and discouraged? There is help...

Psalms 51:10. Create in me a clean heart, oh God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Our lives need to be transformed over and over again. God works with us: in mercy because He knows we can't go through too much at a time without total self destruction, and with patience because it can take many do-overs for us to get it right. We can make good decisions and choices if we study scripture diligently, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us. However, all too often, I get in a hurry and think that God will do all the work and just show me. When we go against His will, He allows it, albeit shaking his head and knowing the horrendous pain it will bring. This is because He always gives us freedom, knowing that only if we really want that relationship with our Creator will we determinedly put our egocentric human self aside, seek His face, and heal and grow in His grace and love. Like David, when we are real with our Lord, honestly seek His face for a clean heart and steadfast spirit to be renewed, He will not disappoint. Yes, He knows what is going on anyway, but what a precious and close bond we can experience with Him when we go to Him. Then, He brings out the best in us, setting a new course of joy and success!



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