The Test Commandment
When we come to God through Jesus Christ, repent and ask forgiveness, we begin a whole new life. Our sins we have committed up to that point are forgiven, in fact they are even forgotten by God. Through baptism and the laying on of hands, we receive the holy Spirit of God to live in us, teach us, and guide us. If we really know Him, we will then keep His commandments, walking with Him as He walked. That is how we get to know Him and develop a personal relationship with Him. However, 1John 2 goes on to tell us not to sin; but if we do sin through inexperience, or just not paying attention we have an advocate with the Father, and that is Jesus Christ. That is not living in sin, but just a slip up. He shows us our sin and we confess, finding forgiveness and restoration of relationship with Him.
It is vital that we truly know and walk with God. 1John chapter 2 tells us that the test is to keep His commandments. If we do so, the love of God will be perfected in us as proof that we are in Him. Jesus said in John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commandments.” And again, John tells us in 1John 5:3 “for this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.” Strong's Hebrew and Greek dictionaries defines grievous (G926) as weighty, burdensome, grave. Showing this love to God brings strength from God and through this strength all His commandments are easy and light, bringing pleasant consequences. Why is it then that most Christians do not keep the fourth commandment, known as the test commandment? It is recorded throughout the New Testament that Jesus kept it. In Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Mark, and Colossians, God says to keep it and it is a sign between Him and His people that they would know He is the Lord that sets them apart to be holy. Is it due to lack of knowledge? Then study up! The Word of God says it is not a burden or difficult thing to do in the strength He gives us. We do need to take heed, because if we keep habitual sin in our life for any reason, then we are deceiving ourselves, walking in darkness, and the truth and the light of God is not in us.
Christ plainly tells us in Matthew 7 that not every one that believes in Him, and calls Him Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but only he that does the will of His Father in heaven. Those that do not do the will of the Father may have prophesied, cast out devils, and done many wonderful works in the name of Jesus, but He says He will tell these people He never knew them, and to depart from Him for they are wicked. Be sure you are living as Christ lived; it is an individual, conscious, deliberate decision and practice. Other professing Christians who don't live as Jesus lived will cause you a lot of grief, but Jesus is who we live for. He will strengthen and help you. As the fig tree is almost in leaf, we know that the time of Christ's return is near. What do you want Him to say to you?
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