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Do you toss the manual first, then have to go retrieve it?

Have you ever had that 'Ahaaa!' moment when you figured out something from a picture or a diagram or an example? Most of us can utilize this learning strategy in one way or another. When we are given just enough information to make the example come alive – it makes sense! Our heavenly Father knows that since he created us! He loves us more than anyone can imagine, and has left us many examples in His Word to help us 'get it.' He has, in fact, left us a manual for living the good life. He is concerned with our heart, mind, and soul. After all, He wants us in His family forever if we want to be.

In Chapter 10 of 1 Corinthians Paul discusses Israel's history and how the record shows us examples of how God wants us to live, warning us to not allow ourselves to crave the evil things that they did (vs. 6). They had seen God's power, glory, and provision for all their needs first hand; yet many of them gave in to the temptation that we always have with us in this life! Paul relates that God was not pleased with their lusting after evil things, idolatry, fornication, tempting of God, and grumbling. And then he gets to the exciting part in verse 13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (KJV) Sadly, many Christians tend to leave off the last clause and become surprised and discouraged with the difficulty of the temptation they face; leading to defeat. The most beautiful part is that with the temptation God will also make a way to escape, that you may be able to endure it without caving in! He will never allow you to be tempted beyond the strength He gives you, but as the trial comes He will provide sufficient strength to resist and overcome. This is a learning and strengthening process.

To resist is a verb, denoting action by definition. It means to take action in opposition to; try to eliminate, reduce or stop. This shows work on the part of the one in the trial! But, be assured that you don't have to do this work on your own strength, Christ is with you. It is like a tug of war game; You are on one side of the knot in the rope, Jesus is the 'anchor' with the rope around Him who is the strength of your side and will not give an inch to those on the other side of the knot in the rope, Satan. Christ and you can win every time if you do not give up and let go! He has already proven He is stronger than Satan! Practical ways of resistance to temptation might be to literally and physically run from it (vs 14) without responding in any way, turn away from your selfish desire to fulfill your lust. To help you do this, go do some hard physical work, or go do something kind for someone in need. Get your mind off of it and off of yourself, and overcome! Don't test the Lord by flirting with sin when He has given you His strength to overcome.

In vs. 21 Paul tells us we cannot have it both ways. “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.” (KJV) He has been speaking to the church of Corinth about many sins they seem to be struggling with which include partaking of the Lord's Supper improperly. He makes it clear that we cannot live with one foot in sin and one foot living in Christ. Jesus himself said that he will not tolerate the lukewarm Christian.

In finishing chapter 10 Paul encourages us to do everything we do to glorify God. Living the life He has laid out for us, accepting and using the help He gives us and readying ourselves for eternity in His family glorifies Him more than we can know! Just like you get the best use out of any appliance, tool, or technology by reading the manual provided; you will have the best life possible if you read, study, and follow the Word of God. Read the manual, and the next time you are facing your nemesis, until you see the way to escape, tug on that rope knowing Jesus is right there pulling with you!


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