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Can you prove it?

What an extreme test was set before him~to offer his only son as a burnt offering! Every step of the way he must have been questioning whether or not he heard correctly. But he knew God so well that he trusted Him in everything. After the journey to the base of the mountain while climbing up, Isaac even asked his father where the lamb was for the offering, and Abraham confidently answered that God would provide Himself a lamb. In sure step with His faithfulness, just in time God stayed the hand of Abraham and provided for him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. God put a great honor on Abraham by giving him this opportunity to prove how an unshaken faith in the power, goodness, and truth of God looks. Abraham proceeded to do just that for an innumerable number of generations past and yet to come, displaying a monumental faith. He called the mountain Jehovahjireh – Jehovah will see to it. God told him in Genesis 22:12, “ I know that you fear God, seeing that you have not withheld your only son from me.” Then God provided many and long lasting blessings for Abraham, and a reminder for us in Hebrews 6:13-14.

God is no respecter of persons. As he tested and proved the faith of Abraham, so will He test and prove our faith. Trials are not meant to defeat us, but to prove to ourselves and to God by our actions that He is our God and our King. Not only does this bring glory and blessing to God, but it builds our confidence and strength as well. And as there were in Abraham's life, there will be many blessings to follow.

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