How do you know where current events fit in with Bible Prophecy? God tells us He reveals the end to us from the beginning; things from ancient times to what is ahead. Everything He tells us will come to pass as He will accomplish all His good purposes (Isaiah 46:10). His purpose is to have a completely loyal, obedient-through-love family. In Genesis we find the historical documentation of the life of Jacob and his sons that is relevant to today. Joseph was the oldest of the two sons born to Rachel, Jacob's first love. God used the treachery brought upon Joseph from his step-brothers to bring him into a position of power to save his family from starvation and sure death. He placed Joseph in Egypt to become a great man of God. Even though Joseph had to deal with much pain and suffering and reconcile himself to peace and not to bitterness and resentment, he was able to be used as a tool of God to save the lives of his family and the lineage of Jesus, and as an example for those to come.
While Joseph was still in Pharaoh's prison, Pharaoh received two dreams - one after the other (Genesis chapter 41). Though the dreams were not identical, they both had the same message which none of the Egyptian wise men or magicians could interpret. Pharaoh inquired if there was anyone in all the kingdom who could tell him the meaning of the dreams. The now restored chief butler remembered that Joseph had been in prison with him and had interpreted his dream correctly, so he shared that information with Pharaoh. Pharaoh called Joseph out of prison and Joseph interpreted the message of both dreams, stating that the dream was doubled to show it was established by God and God would shortly bring it to pass. Then Joseph gave Pharaoh the message from God as to how to use this information to save Egypt from the famine to come, not realizing it would also save his family in Canaan. Joseph himself was put in charge of building store houses and filling them up with the food grown in the 7 years of plenty. He prepared. Note here that He didn't just say, 'Oh good, years of plenty, wonderful! We will enjoy that, and wait and see what comes. I know that even if I don't prepare, God will take care of us...' His reverence for God was much greater than that. Because of Joseph's obedience, his family and all Israel to come were saved. How does this relate to today?
When the famine came, there was first a comfortable supply of food in Egypt although other lands which had not had the warning did not have very much food as they had not had the warning, and therefore did not prepare. Joseph's father saw that there was grain in Egypt as many people were going there to buy from Joseph (41:57). He still had plenty of money from previous years of plenty and sent his sons, with the exception of Benjamin, to Egypt to purchase food. Note that they had to seek the food, it was not easy to get as there was none close by. When the famine was very severe with no relief in sight, and after Jacob and his family had eaten all the grain from Egypt, Jacob told his sons to go again and buy a little food. Notice that he did not expect to be able to buy much. It could be that what he did not have much money left, or that what he had to bargain with would not buy much food. After a complicated reuniting with his brothers, Joseph revealed his true identity to them and Pharaoh learned that this was Joseph's family. He insisted that Joseph send wagons to go and bring back his father and brothers with all their family, flocks, and herds. Once they arrived, Pharaoh set them up in the best of the land, the land of Gosh-en (chapter 47).
These challenges with food and goods is happening today. During COVID, there were many bare shelves, some foods impossible to find, and shipments of food were very slow in coming due to COVID restrictions. Once restrictions eased up and people were able to go back to work, there are some foods more available, but the prices are much higher. Some foods are still almost impossible to get though. Due to the governmental support for people who did not work, the incomes of most Americans have not suffered, now what once bought a week's supply of food will only buy enough for a partial week. Because of recent events, fresh foods we were so blessed to consume in the past are becoming harder to find and more expensive to buy. Today there was literally no produce in one of the big chain grocery stores where I live. With the floods in California, where we get most of our fresh produce, there will not be any available for shipping for quite a while after they are finally able to plant. Some farms have been washed out completely and others damaged from the floods. Where the world once received bountiful shipments of food through imports, these are now greatly restricted either due to bans, inability to produce as in the Ukraine, or weather related shortages. The war between Russia and the Ukraine, has stopped the ample supplies of gas and other products the world has depended on, including food products. American farmers are struggling with the expenses of fuel and fertilizer which have both more than doubled since 2021. Putin's price hikes, a limited supply of the relevant minerals needed, and high energy costs, increased global demand and agricultural commodity prices, reliance on fertilizer imports, and the lack of competition in our nation's fertilizer industry are having devastating results for our farmers. With increased amounts of money we can still buy what we need to survive today, but the time is quickly approaching when that will not be possible.
As Genesis chapter 47 continues, the famine progresses. As the famine in the world continues, Joseph was commissioned with gathering up all the money from the grain purchases and taking it to Pharaoh. Then, when the people no longer had any money, they had to turn over everything else they owned including horses, flocks, and cattle! The following year the people came to Joseph begging him to buy them, giving up their freedom to be servants, as well as the land they owned that they would live and not die (47:19). They begged to be taken as slaves in order to survive. Pharaoh put them in the cities, as they no longer owned their land, with the exception of those he wanted to continue farming what was now his land. To them he gave seed to grow what they could. They were grateful, and did not fight the heavy taxes he imposed on them even though they had not had to pay taxes before. They could keep four-fifths of whatever they grew for their seed and food for all of their household, then give one-fifth part to Pharaoh. This was made into a law throughout the land. The priests of Pharaoh's many gods were the exception. The religion of Egypt was established by law and supported by the Pharaoh. As a result, they retained their lands and homes, and ate what he assigned them to eat. They were the religion behind the laws and guided him in his control of the people. Pharaoh was the muscle.
The religion now which has been assimilated by most religious leaders around the world and guided by the Pope is Humanism. Using this as a base for the 'good of all' through the healing of the earth the obedience to these commandments COP27 now seeks a new vision and moral compass change for humanity. They have a list of their “10 Commandments” which are different from God's, and to make them appear to be authentic and acceptable, they smashed the mock stone tablets on TOP of Mt. Sinai in November 2022. This is an affront to and a mockery of God! They are convincing world leaders that their agenda to save the earth on a short time-line is more important than human life! Laws have been made throughout world governments to support the Pope lead group's commandments, ignoring the laws and ordinances of God, and will eventually choke out the life of what little individual freedom is left in the world. But, like the priests of Pharaoh, they will not be tarnished, starving, or cold. Only those who refuse to follow them will be. Soon the only industries left will be those controlled and supported by this religious order through the muscle of the world forces which are coming together in the United Nations/NATO.
We know things are getting tough, even non-Christians are seeing the difficulties in the near future. From Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 24, we know we are living in the end times. Everything is lining up as never before that has been recorded in God's Word to show the time of the end is near. It is not today, nor tomorrow, but in the next few years. That is when the generation born in 1945 during the advent of the complete destructive power of atomic weapons will be at the end of their days. There is no peace anywhere in the world at this stage...only wars, those supporting the wars, and violent unrest in countries not at war (as prophesied for the last days). Perversion is on every street corner in all the Christian countries, being practiced and preached as normal to even the children. We will never get rid of the COVID pestilence and many more are popping up, deadly bacterial diseases from many sources of contamination from pools, the ocean, 'safe' drinking water to eye drops. False religions, including false Christianity which only barely resembles the Christianity of the Bible are rampant. It is time to prepare for what is to come before the return of Jesus. Buy double now as possible, get healthy, prepare spiritually as well as physically, for an accounting will be required.