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“ strong and courageous...”

Joshua 1:8-9 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest (NKJV)."

In the 1920's, my mother's family picked up and moved from Tennessee to Colorado. There they homesteaded on a high desert plateau. Eventually their family of six grew to a family of twelve, each working harder than most of us can imagine to make a living off the land. Beginning with only a couple of head of cows and the same of sheep, Grama and Grampa grew their ranch while eking out a living off the land with dry-land farming techniques. They were able to feed their family, providing for every need from the sale of cattle and sheep that grew from those few head; and although there were times both had to seek employment building roads, working in the ice house in town, or the canning factory, their family flourished. From birth, our family would always go and visit, spending weeks every year on the ranch. One day as a young child of 7 years, I went with Grampa and his well trained herd dog to bring the sheep back in from the pasture for the night. The sheep had wandered down into a deep gully to escape the hot late afternoon sun, so we took the very narrow, well worn sheep trail down into the depths to coax them out. After the herd had dutifully ascended the 20 foot incline, Grandpa and I started up. At about the middle of the climb to the top, I looked down and froze. I called to Grandpa, telling him that I was scared. He never said a word, no admonishing, not teasing, just moved a strong arm behind him and opened his hand wide. Putting my small hand into his, I felt his strong warm fingers close around it, courage and comfort flowing through me and calming my panic. He held my hand all the way back to the house. Grandpa was quite an introvert and did not speak much, and although he never said anything about my fail, the smile we shared at my quiet “Thank you, Grandpa” is still treasured...

When the testing comes, it will bring fear, uncertainty, and pain. The most powerful thing we can do is to remember God's Word, make sure that we keep filling our mind with it, and purpose to do all that He asks us to do (Joshua 1:8-9). Then, as He commands us to be, we can be strong and courageous; neither afraid nor discouraged; for the Lord our God is with us wherever we go, and will make a way for us to be successful in the outcome. Call to the Lord, put your hand in His, and take one step at a time. No reason to fear or be discouraged. He is with us!



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