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Are you prepared?

I was recently reading an article on the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:5-13). This passage in the Bible refers to the preparation of ten young ladies for the bridegroom to come and take them to the wedding feast. In the parable when ten young virgins go to meet the bridegroom, the wise virgins took oil in their vessels with their lamps but the foolish ones did not. When the bridegroom took longer than expected, they all fell asleep while waiting, and when his imminent arrival was announced, all the virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. This was when the foolish virgins noticed that their lamps had stopped burning and told the wise virgins to give them some of the oil they had brought. But the wise virgins would not do so as then they all would be out of oil, and suggested the foolish ones go find some oil they could buy. But while they were gone the bridegroom came and the wise virgins followed him into the marriage feast, with the doors closing behind them. Once the foolish virgins returned with oil, they cried out, saying Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and told them, “I don't even know who you are.” How devastating for them! If only they had been prepared...

While we are waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to be busy making preparations as well. For one thing, to even begin to prepare we must have repented, accepted the free gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8), by grace through the faith of Jesus Christ , and been baptized with the Holy Spirit of God. Then we need to overcome personal sinful ways in order to take on the character of Christ. Romans chapter twelve discusses some great ideas on overcoming evil with good. Also see Luke 6:27-30 and 1 Peter 3:9.

Another thing we must overcome is the pulls and pressures of this current world. Many things would take our attention, affections, and focus away from keeping our relationship with our Lord our top priority. The enemy never entices us to put Jesus at the bottom of our list of priorities, but just below a couple of things at first. Then, a couple more things, then more. Nothing, but nothing can be more important to you than your relationship with Christ. Luke 18:29-30, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Mark 12:30 are just a few scriptures that encourage you to see the vital importance of this priority. You have to realize that it is all about Him! Everything in your life is to be directed to Him. Mark 12:20 and Matthew 22:37 tell us how we need to love the Lord our God.

Next, having a good handle of overcoming sin in our life and putting the pulls and pressures of this life in their rightful place we need to humbly serve (Acts 20:19, James 4:6,10 and Micah 6:8) and obey God (Acts 5:32, 2 Corinthians 10:5). As a result, you can take on the mind of Christ and develop the spiritual character pleasing to Him.

We need to discern where we are on the preparation scale. On the wise side or on the foolish side? The key to successful preparation is to yield to God, confess our need for His help, and to set our hearts and minds to live by the teachings of the Bible – ALL of them (Matthew 4:4, Colossians 3:9-10). Total surrender, every minute of every day. Then we can hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” And remember, He is always there to guide us and help us.



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