The days of our life are limited and each day matters. Are you counting? Think about this. In Psalms 90:12 the request is “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” And again in Ephesians 5:15, Paul exhorts us to “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.” As God has called you and opened your mind to the truth, you have to choose to follow Him.
In considering our life, are we growing spiritually? Are we completely dedicated to serving God? What about during the tough times, the times when all is going well? Are we continuing to grow spiritually? You see, the reality is that each of us is given a certain amount of time – good, bad, and ugly. So So take advantage of the opportunity given you to live each day unto the Lord.
Just as there is a limited amount of time in each of our life, there is a limited amount of time before Jesus Christ comes back to take us home. He tells us to watch in 11 books of the New Testament alone! We are to use the example of the fig tree in Matthew 24 to discern the times and to be ready for His return. More prophesies of the Bible are being fulfilled before our lives than at any other time in history. Many say that today is no different than years before when preachers would say that Jesus could return at any time. Yet there are many things that the Word Of God says will happen first that are beginning to happen in front of our eyes. Now is the time to make an even stronger relationship with our Lord by spending more time with Him getting to know Him more deeply. Study the scriptures diligently as He will show you what you need to learn. Learn to live every aspect of your life unwavering in the full armor of God! That takes a lot of time and effort! But consider what the disciples did. They didn't have the complete Bible as we do, but they knew the Torah intimately from childhood. They sat learning at Jesus' feet, with Him 24/7, soaking in every word, and discussing many things with Him. They diligently prepared themselves to be sent forth by Jesus as in Matthew 10 to preach, and to heal. As Christ taught them, that through much prayer and fasting nothing should be impossible for them. That takes effort and persistence. That is what counts!