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Alexa, delete everything I said today...

Have you ever wanted to just erase something you have done, just delete it? I know I have. Some ridiculous thing that came out of my mouth which did not say what I meant, hurting someone. Misspoken words; disgraceful acts are some of the moments I wish I could just erase. Just delete.

Amazon's voice-controlled device, Alexa, can erase everything you say, every query for information, with one simple sentence; “Delete everything I said today”. Sometimes I wish I had that capability with my life; speak the command and the whole entire mess I created would just disappear. But God has a higher purpose and the fact that I know I messed up leads me to it.

The good news my friend, is that we are offered a clean start from God. A start that goes far deeper than just deleting mistakes or bad behavior. He provides deep healing with redemption! “I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22), He tells Israel even though they had rebelled and disobeyed Him. God reached out to them with unbelievable mercy, hiding their sins as behind a thick cloud, as He will do for us if we ask. There is no hurt he cannot mend, no error He can't help us correct. He wants to heal the most painful places deep within each of us and give us new life in His Spirit. He wants us to return to Him for He has redeemed us. Each one. We have only to repent and accept, receive His Spirit, and then determine to live for Him. The rewards are so much greater that what we leave behind! He can break the chains holding you to the past and create in you a new person and a new future.


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