I know that if I want God to direct my life, guiding and helping me, that I need to acknowledge Him in all my ways. So, what does that even mean? Getting down to the nitty-gritty I have to ask myself a few questions about the reality of my life. When I drive, do I show the character of Jesus? Is how I complete my tasks at work and at home reflecting the integrity of a hardworking and honest God? Does the way I treat and care for my family exhibit the gentleness, mercy, and love of the Spirit of the God who calls Himself our Father? Hmmm, that gets it real. I need to talk like Jesus would talk, play sports or other games with His glory and my witness for Him in mind, when I vote I need to make it a priority beforehand to earnestly pray for His guidance. So I need to submit everything to Him, and lay aside all my preferences. That is a recipe for a straight path life. One thing I do know is that when I don't get everything right, He is still there ready and waiting for me to give it another go, and this time with His help I just may get it right! Tomorrow we will pick op on Proverbs 3:7 and 8 to consider the wisdom we should use. Verse 8 tells us what the results in our life will be if we we use the right wisdom.